DIY Activism

You can get involved in activism at whatever level you like, including abstaining. Here are some ideas for activism that you can partake in. Some involve going out and taking a more personal stand. Others may involve writing letters or emails. You can do it yourself and get involved no matter your ability or desire to participate.

ExJw Cart Witnessing – Yes, build your own cart to take out publicly in your area…

To start your own cart you will need:

The done-for-you files to get your cart started quickly:
Download Here

1. A literature stand like this one:
Note: I believe there may be cheaper options, but this one had good reviews.

2. Some acrylic holders like these for your primary display pages:

3. A 4×6 acrylic holder for your “please take one” sign, like the one we found at Michaels here:
Note: To better hold down the flyers against the wind, we may try something thicker like this one, but haven’t done so yet. I’ll update if we do:
Amazon Thicker Block Acrylic

If you’d like a Shunned shirt or one of the heart shirts that I mentioned in the video to wear while you’re out there (the Shunned shirt alone is a conversation starter), you can pick one up here:

If you appreciate what I do and want to donate to what I do, from this initiative to the Shunned Podcast and YouTube channel to the This JW Life podcast and the Esta Vida Como Testigo De Jehovah podcast and more, you can do so at:

If you’re curious as to where the QR code takes those that scan it with their phones to get references for claims made in the flyer, here’s the link:

*More Ideas Coming Soon*